Saturday, May 9, 2009

Meet The Mother

My baby sister was getting married, as her oldest sister I was happy that she is happy. Our family has never been close and as we all got older the distance between us got greater. Unfortunately, I made a promise to help celebrate the bridal shower and there is NO backing out of a commitment in my family. Holidays and functions with my family are like the plague, I try to avoid them at all cost.

She arrived on Long Island just in time to meet me at work Friday afternoon, I always loved surprises and still do. As I was walking out the door there she was leaning on her car with a million daisies in hand and the melt my heart smile on her lips.

I woke up n Saturday to pans clanking in the kitchen and the boys attempting to quiet one another. She was surprising me with breakfast in bed and keeping the boys occupied so that I could sleep in. While I was finishing up breakfast the boys were getting dressed because they were going on a top secret mission with her and I was not included.

The top secret mission was grocery shopping. As a group we were going to cook dinner together and make a few other dishes to freeze for the week. I fell in love even more that afternoon watching her interact with the boys.

Sunday morning came way too fast, my nerves were shot before we even left the house. I reassured her that my mother would be nothing but charming, after all it is a happy occasion and mother always puts on airs. I grew up hearing “what will my friends think?” about every situation that may or may not put our family in a positive light. You can only imagine what mother’s reaction was when I told her I was gay.

True to form, mother was overly excited to see me and meet the new person in my life. Thru all the smiles, gushing and introductions I kept waiting for the barbs that without fail always makes an appearance. We sat with my cousins and had quite a few laughs. Friends and family members came by our table to say hello – it had been a few years since I had seen anyone.

I wanted her to see my childhood home so reluctantly we accepted the invitation to go back to the house. After a very awkward hour and a full grilling by mother and sister in law we happily made our exit home.

The boys came back from the sitter and were excited to find her in our living room. After quite a bit of begging she consented to stay until Monday morning so that she could walk middle and little guy to school. I think that is when she started to love the boys more than she thought she would.

She and I started to notice that the time we were apart dragged by so slowly and when we were together the hours passed like seconds.

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