Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Water Dish Puddle

Some months I wish for menopause to kick in. As I sat on the couch with the paper and my coffee the nagging jabs in my abdomen are quite distracting, I hope the day gets better. She is still in bed with a nagging migraine, something that she lives with from her accident. I had just replaced the ice pack on her forehead and realized that I hadn’t seen our second dog in a while. After a panicked check thru the house I checked the yard, hoping that the fence was latched. Oh, crap where is this dog now? Gate locked, house checked so I checked again. He has decided to start not obeying or responding to his name, his hearing is fine. Raider is becoming ornery and it’s going to get him in more trouble than he intends. I finally find him under my side of the bed, the bed with the migraine patient. As the blood is rushing to my head he has tilted his head and is looking at me to say “What now?” He chooses to move to the middle of the California King so he is way out of my reach. The patient gives an incoherent moan, “can I get you anything honey” I say sweetly as I’m thinking, thank god I don’t have to tell her I lost her dog as I tip toe out of the room.

That disaster averted I check to ensure that I’ve locked the screen door and I feel water between my toes. I can’t figure out where it’s coming from, judging on the location and the wet placemat, maybe the pet’s ceramic water dish has sprung a leak. After all the water is moped up and I can’t find the leak in the dish, I fill it again and hope for the best. About an hour later I hear a splashing noise, I look over at the dish to find our annoying 14 year old cat splashing. There are drops of water hanging off his whiskers, his face looks like it was dunked and he is happily emptying the dish. There is no crack in the dish, the cat who thinks it’s a dog has completely lost it. I yell a four letter word in his direction and clean up the water for the second time, this time only filling it with about 1/3 of water. I think this has now aggravated the cat a bit because he finds that sitting in front of me and whining will get him more water to play with.

She surfaced from our bed around noon with only one eye open. The cat’s whining has woken her enough to investigate. She is a bit perplexed that I am ignoring the cat, surely there must be something wrong with him to prompt a noise like that. Once she is able to see the look on my face thru her one eye, satisfied that the cat is fine she staggers back to bed. The cat follows and has decided that whining at the end of our bed will get attention. Poor kitty did get attention in the form of a slipper thrown at his head.

It has been a very long day with Mr. Paws. I have not given in, adding more water to the dish. EIGHT HOURS since my barefoot discovery and he has not let up, Anyone want a cat?

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